About us

YOURCARSNG is an online market place/automotive ecommerce that offers a trusted, reliable and cost-effective online sales and buying of vehicles, brand-new, foreign used and Nigeria used. We have made it easy for you to sell your vehicle – (brand-new, foreign used and Nigerian used car. Motorbike, tricycles, trucks and trailers, vehicle parts and accessories) online without hassles

WE want to make selling of cars easy for car users who are willing to resell their cars or wanting to change their old cars and making it easy for those looking to buy Nigeria used car and even foreign used car to find and buy a trusted and reliable car of their choice

f you live in Nigeria and you are car dealer or vehicle dealer, then you know selling your vehicles can be very hard. However, we have made it easy for you to sell your vehicle – (used or new car / motorbike / tricycles) online without hassles as we have thousands of users and intending car owners across Nigeria on our website.

Sell and Buy car online YOUR CARS NG is a free market place website. It enables car dealers and individuals to sell and buy cars. We make selling your used or new car easy. All you need is just register and post your cars for free at your convenience.

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Our CEO says

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention.

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Customer Care

  • 24/7 Customer Care support
  • After sales report
  • Unique mailing system
  • Prompt ticket resolution

Frequently Asked Questions

We do not own any of the cars here directly but we offer a state-of-the-art advertising
medium for users to buy and sell their vehicles (cars, vans, bikes, trucks and others).

Yes we have expert and professional team who inspect all cars posted on this website, but then we advice you to inspect any car car you are willing to buy before making payment.

Sure! We can help. Simply contact us and we will do the hard work in getting the car that
suite your need, working with your budget and carrying out the necessary inspections.

We have made it easy to search for any car of your choice on this website, it’s all very simple. Create or Login to your account and search for desired cars. Click on the contact under a car of choice, put a call through or send a message.

Yes we make sure to verify all users on this website and verify also their car papers, so yes all cars posted on this website has a genuine document.

We try as much as we can to approve, when a user post. If however, you just signed up. The process might take a while because we will need to verify you as an individual Also, we need to verify and inspect your car as well.

Please kindly contact by giving us a call or chatting with our customer support on here or on WhatsApp: +2348099992261, also you can send us an email to support@yourcarsng.com

Award-winning dealership of new and pre-owned vehicles with several locations across Nigeria. Lowest prices and the best customer service guaranteed.
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